a) At www.Ipldekho.com, we are committed to publishing accurate information across all our content. We take multiple steps to ensure accuracy, including investigating claims with skepticism, questioning assumptions, and challenging conventional wisdom.
b) We strive to achieve due accuracy in all our output. This commitment is fundamental to our reputation and the trust of our audiences. The term ‘due’ means that the accuracy must be adequate and appropriate to the output, considering the subject and nature of the content.
c) Our output must be well-sourced, based on available evidence, and corroborated. We aim to be honest and open about what we don’t know and avoid unfounded speculation.
d) Our journalists never plagiarize deliberately or distort facts or context, including visual information, knowingly.
e) We seek independent verification from sources to confirm claims, information, and allegations, especially those made by public officials or individuals with an agenda beyond reporting the truth.
f) We provide a fair opportunity for the public to report inaccuracies or errors in our reportage via the ‘Suggest A Correction’ section at the end of every web story.
Correction Policy
While www.Ipldekho.com strives for excellence and accuracy, we acknowledge that errors can occur. When errors are made, we will take responsibility for correcting them and maintain transparency.
Steps to Achieve Accuracy and Transparency:
1. If you spot an error, contact the editor-in-chief immediately via email (admin@ipldekho.com) or phone.
2. Include the correction, issue date or number, where the correction was seen, your name, and contact information.
3. Provide the correct information and a source, if applicable.
The editor-in-chief will investigate the error using available information. If an error is found, the editor-in-chief will issue a correction in all forms where the information was disseminated. Corrections will be printed in the next issue, added to the online article, and posted on social media.
Once the correction is made, the editor-in-chief will contact the reader who submitted the correction and inform them the steps that were taken to correct the error.